Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ricky M.7 2010

Did you know that most animals in the world are going extinct because of poaching or thier habitat?They are killing all of the animals and catching them for nothing .In this world they are more then 100 different types of species all over the world.In Panama the forg's are going extinct.Talking about toads did you know that the gold is extinct?Poaching can wipe out a whole pollination and that's why all the animals are going extinct.Poaching man use snires to catch aniamls like gorillas,tigers,leopards,and pandas.Scientist say they the only ones are going to see them because they are going extinct.Theres a lot of species all over the world which one would we save first.I will save the Mura leopard because there are only 30 left in world because of poaching they are doing.There's many different animals in the world that don't have a habitats and the animals are dieing because the human pollution.Some animals provide national resources and plants.Plants are very important because they provide oxygen and sucks in carbon dioxide.That video is saying save animals in other countries.Save them and put them in zoo's,or put them in a safer place so animals won't go extinct.So hope you like this blog people bye.

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