Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Choosing Learning Topic

Write a blog post explaining why you like this topic for your Side Scrolling Action game.
I like this topic because I really want to show teens that how many teens start drinking at a young age and how we start driving while Intoxicated.

How will you use game mechanics - such as moving, scrolling, avoiding, collecting objects - to educate players about your learning topic?
 I will use these materials to help them avoid drinking and driving and avoid drinking period.

Scrolling Game

  • Describe two designs for your Side Scrolling Action game – one for mobile and one for console.
I will have a maze in my game to help the player under stand the game by showing if they hit the walls they got in a car accident or got pulled over by the Police.

  • Explain the differences between the two and why you made those decisions.
The console is more better then the mobile it has more buttons and more stuff you can do.The mobile is boring because you cant really do anything and its harder to control.

Game Learning Topic

My Game Topic is Teens Driving Intoxicated and What age teens start drinking at a young age.This game will be fun and Educational because its going to show a lot of facts like Hispanic teens 16 and older start drinking and Driving.The teen driving and drinking drop about 54% in the past years so that's really good.

Imagine Team Game

Who-Ages 13-19

The player will learn how many teens start drinking and how many teens drink and drive.

The game takes place in a maze and you have to figure your way out and if you hit the wall you have been drinking under age and Intoxicated.

The game will show facts and it will teach them not to drink under age or don't drink and drive.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


The PS4 looks really coll and awesome.The PS4 has new Controller that that can record 15 minutes of your game play.So I think the PS4 is going to be really great so i can't wait to play it.The game system will not be able to use USED games :( So that's what I think about the PS4 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Black History Game

My Game is about Barack Obama and it is My Black History Month Game.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Game Facts

Barack Obama Facts

  • #44 President of the United States of America
  •  Columbia University, B.A., 1983, Harvard University, J.D., 1991
  • November 4,2008 Wins the his 1st President Election
  • He was born in Hawaii 
  • He from the Windy City