Describe your learning topic for the game. What is the most important thing you want your players to learn?
My Learning topic of my game is water pollution in the Oceans.The most important thing I want the players to learn is that our marine animals are dying everyday because of all that pollution in the water.The animals thinks its food but it really not its pollution.
What kind of research did you do? What did you learn about your topic?
I researched how many pollution is in the water.I also researched how many animals die because of water pollution.I learned that 40% of Marine animals die because f water pollution.
How did your ideas change as you worked on your game?
My ideas change by how was I going to put the pollution and hind them with my background.And what kind of animals I should put in.
What Game Ingredients and Help Center resources have been most useful to you so far, and why?
The most helpful that help me most is message box and score.
Which part of making the game was most difficult for you? How did you overcome this difficulty? What features are you most proud of in your game?
The most difficult part of making this game was the coding because thats the hardest thing to do for me.I over came it by getting help by my friends and continue working on it.I am proud of my back ground I work super hard on it.