Monday, December 17, 2012

Learning Log

Learning Log  12-10-12  (55 min) Work on my drawing.

Learning Log  12-11-12  (55 min) Work on my drawing.

Learning Log  12-12-12  (55 min) Work on my drawing.

Learning Log  12-13-12  (55 min) Work on my drawing.

Learning Log  12-14-12  (55 min) Work on easy Game Ingredient.

Learning Log  12-15-12  (55 min) Work on easy Game Ingredient and upload it to the Wiki.

Learning Log  12-17-12  (55 min) Work on Medium Game Ingredient.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Hidden Objects Quiz

Monday, December 10, 2012

Hidden Objects

What was it like to program in Flash for the first time? 
Well this isn't my first time to program in flash but his the first time I really know how to program buttons.
So it does really feel great to learn something that I been learning for four years to master.

What kind of game action would you like to add next?
I really don't know what kind of action I would put in my game yet but there will be don't worry.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Draw Background

I drew my background in flash.In flash I use a lot of tools like the paint brush,paint bucket.It was hard to draw the background because there is a lot of details and lines.But it was fun to make my background.So thanks.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Plan Game Scene

My game vision is to clean the water so the animals will not die or eat the pollution so our Ocean can be clean.So this is my Vision of my game.

I'm Excited to see how my game works out because all my hard work I put in this game.I hope that every likes it.This topic because there is a lot of pollution in the water.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post-Election Day 2012

I was so happy last night that I threw my bag of chips up in the air and starting cheering OBAMA!
My prediction was right because I knew Obama was going to win.Obama has another four years in the White House.So go OBAMA!OBAMA!OBAMA!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Paper Prototype 1

What did you learn from creating a game with paper and pencil?
That its not easy drawing animals and this game seen.What was easy about drawing your hidden object game?What was hard?
The easy thing was drawing the wreck ship and the hardest thing was to draw all the animals.What do you still need to add to your game?
The only thing I need to add is the color and a few more hidden objects.

Monday, October 29, 2012

FrankenStorm 2012

Do you know anyone that lives in the North East? 
Yes my aunt lives in Florida.
How about in New York City? 
No I don't have any family in New York.
If you were to make a hidden object game about Frankenstorm, what would the setting for your game scene be? 
My setting scene will be in New York showing how much damage it done.
What ten objects would you hide?
Wood,Houses,Cars,Building pieces,Electricity poles,Trash,Cars parts,glass,wires,roofs,food 
 What kind of information would your player learn from playing the game.
How this Hurricane did damage it did to the U.S.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Learning Topic

1. My big subject area is :
Water Pollution

2. One really important thing I learned about this subject is :
That it is making your water we drink all dirty.

3. People should learn :
How to keep the water clean and keep pollution out of water.

4. My hidden objects game will teach people :
To make the water clean and get all the trash out the water.

5. Tittle of My Game :

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Water Pollution

My game is about Water Pollution.I think we should stop polluting the water because people can die or get sick from drinking dirty water.So I think it is important to clean the water so we can have a healthier life and so we can drink clean water.When we throw trash inside the water it flows into the oceans and animals die by eating the trash.So stop Water Pollution.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012


1. Big subject area:

2. One really important thing I learned to do in this subject is

3. Other people should learn how to

4. I would teach them how to do this by

5. Summary of my narrow game topic in five words or less

Hidden Wonders

Hidden Wonders is a game where you find the country where the important places like France, Spain, And Italy and other places.This game is to show you about the different types of places in the world are located and the facts too.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Join the Community

The Danger of a Single Story
1.) A Single Story is about someone that thinks how something is but don't actually know how it is.For example I think people in Africa are poor and don't wear cloths are shoes that's how I think it is but it's actually not.
2.) That people on the East side are stupid and there not smart but your school is the best on the East side and we have lots of smart students and smart teachers.
3.)I don't really know what other people say about other that what I think but thank you for asking the question.
4.) A game can help people understand how other community's are and how the act and also how people dress.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A New Year

This year school is going great because I made new friends,and I saw all my friends.I was really looking forward to this school year because of my friends,classes,teachers,and the NEW school.School is going great so far hope it continues so I can have a great year.
My classes are great I got three Pre-Ap classses like Pre-Ap algebra, Pre-Ap biology,and Pre-Ap English Language Arts.My classes are great because i got my friends in them and because of the teachers.The teachers are SUPER great and they treat us good.
Some of my accomplishments this year are getting all A's and turning in all my homework on time.One other one is pass all my classes so I can play all the sports I sign up for.So this my New Year Blog.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

Local Kids Play Games

1.) I thought that the article is that it gives credit to your school for making these games.
2.) I feel real surprise because nobody gives our school credit because we are on the east side so i was really proud.
3.)That made me really proud because I knew all my hard work played off and I didn't do that game for nothing.
4.)Whale Wars because it was amazing and its trying to save the whales.So they should of put the game in the blog.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Forks over Knifes

What do you think the Documentary will be about?
I think the documentary is going to be about how people or over weight and how it is effecting our life's.
What do you think the title implies of introits about the film?
I think the title means that we need to stop this thing with over weight people and start eating healthier.

  • By the 20th Centry we ate 120 pounds of food, by 2007 we ate over 200 pounds of food.
  • All the people ate a lot because they didn't care because nobody didn't know what could happen.
  • Girls getting breast cancer 82 percent lower then the U.S.
  • This doctors thought plant base food were lowering health problems.
  • The people in the Philippines when the Nazi's came the heart attacks went down.
  • High fruit corn syrup is really bad for you even sugar is healther then it because sugar comes from the earth.
  • Food is drugs to a lot of people and to some people.
  • Poor people are poor in everything like health and living.
  • People like food salty and fried.
  • More people eat food now days then do anything else.
  • 25% of the amazon river is desroud

My Comments

Micheal your game is one of the best game I picked because of your amazing game.The reason I picked your game is because of your game topic and how you made a really cool game thanks for letting me play your amazing game.

Dan i picked your game as one of my Top 3 because your game is really amazing and level 1 is really hard.

Hey i pick your game because it really is awesome and because of your levels there amazing and your game is just good

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Top 3 Choices

1.)Oil Spill Rescue-M and M-1st Period Ms.Valdez

2.)Mission Impossible:Chicken Protocol-Tha_Alumni-5th Period Ms.Valdez

3.)Forest Rats-GreenBugs-3rd Period Mrs.Arcos

Monday, March 19, 2012


What Does Respect Mean?
Respect means to show people how kind you are to have manners and how you help one another.Respect also means be kind, and also treat people the way you want to be treated.
What Does This Look Like?
Respect looks like this.In the computer lab we show the laptops with respect because we don't want them broken.In breakfast and lunch we show respect by chewing with our mouth closed and don't talk with our mouth full.In the class room we show the teachers and our class mates with respect by doing stuff for them.In the hallways we show respect by walking on the right side and not talking loud.When we go visit other places we show respect by introducing one another and being kind.When visitors come we show respect by behaving and show kind and how good our school is.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I made all these files !!!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

NOTES 2/23/12

Team Intro= done
Audience =done
Game play=done
learning Goal=done
Fun factor=done
Smart factor=done
Style Factor=done
Origirality Factor =done

Thursday, February 9, 2012


One of the Nike is on Indonesia and they are paying people little mount of money and sell it for at least 100.00 in United States.Nike is ripping people in Indonesia off big time I know we wear Nike a lot but we need to stop fast.Nike told the people not to talk to the people so they won't get information.The Kids in Indonesia has no education and they have to pay for school and they smoke cigarettes.They burn lots of shoes left over and all they smoke is going into the air making more Global warming and all that CO2 is killing animals and plants that we need to survive.Indonesia people is getting paid only 1.25 a day.Micheal is trying to find people who will work in a Nike factory.Nike pays Tiger Woods millions to be the face of Nike.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Objects in the sky

How could you take this real life event and turn this into a game.
I can take this event and turn into a game by showing how much meteors hit the earth.
What Genre would you focus on.
I would focus on adventure and shooting.
What skill or topic would you game teach.
I will focus on Science and history.
What would the player have to do in the game.
would help N.A.S.A try to catch the meteor before it hits the earth.
What would the hero of our game look like.
He would look like a scientist and the villain will be a robber.
what type of animation and sounds will be in the game.
Fire burning and the airplanes trying to catch the meteor.
What will the tile of the game is called.
The Meteor!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I made this Flash to show my school pride.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Flash Reminders

1.) Place everything in it's own layer.
2.) Place caressponding layers in the same folding.
3.) Label layers and folders.
4.) You must assign Instance Names to all Symbols.
5.) Upload ALL of your work to the WIKI ,whether it is complete or not.

Friday, January 13, 2012

My Gaming Habits!!!!

What types of games do you like to play?What are the titles?
I like to playing sports,shooting = Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3,and Black Ops,Madden 12,2k12,and March Maddest 2012.
When did I start playing video games and what system?
When I was 5 and it was a GameBoy Color.
Do your parents have a limit of you playing video games?
I don't have a limit playing video games if I do my homework first that's whats matter's.
Can you get addicted to videos games?
I it easy getting addicting to videos games.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Game Design,

What do you learn in Globaloria?
We work on flash we learn how to make a movie clip. Work on our Wiki , upload files and put them on our wiki page Games in flash. Blog when we have a chance but we blog about stuff that happen in the world.
My skill can approve in the future because my skills on my computers and I know how to work technology and my flash skills can work if I'm a game designer.

Monday, January 9, 2012

My Goals For This New Samester

1)Get good grades in all my classes.
2)No referrals
3)Pass History
4)Get taller
5)Be nice to every one.
6)Stop talking during classes.
7)Less Tiger tracks.
8)Get no Tiger Tracks.
9)Turn in all my homework.
10)Turn in all assignments on time.