Wednesday, February 10, 2010


My role is flash because I'm really good at flash and because I know how to do
all the stuff in flash.The reason my team picked me for this job is I know how to copy the codes and pay attention.
No I My teammates because right away they said I'm the flash person.I was really excited when they said that.When they said that I said yes and they said good and thats how I resolve that.
I look foward to make the best game ever and how I can help people.
My inspiration is The Show Cops.All I see on cops is gangs members and that is sad and drug dealers.I look foward to this because it looks like fun and cool.
There are your team names Ricky,Shawn,Brittany,Jasmine,Paulina and together we are a good team and really Go Grande Nachos.
Are game is going to be the best.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What I think about paper Prototype was kinda fun because
I could draw and I like to draw and I like writing
and most of the time my team were talking and not helping me.
My paper prototype was kinda good because my team
didn't help me at all so I think the game will not be good at all.
Here are my team name's Ricky,Jasmine,Shawn,and Paulina.
My game is Eliminate Gangs and it has 2 levels and you have
2:00 to beat the levels.I enjoyed working with my team next time
I hope my team help me.
Brittany is your captain,Jasmine is your Secretary,Ricky is your flash expert,Shawn

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


About Globaloria

My thoughts about Globaloria it is fun you can make your own game.You work a lot of stuff like flash,wiki,and blogger so we can blog.On flash you have to make a game and you have pay attention so you can get flash.I enjoy Globaloria because it is cool and fun you can make a game and if you make the best game you can go to Washington D.C to share your game with the president of the United States.

In Globaloria I learned how to do flash,blog,and up date my learning log.On the Wiki all of your projects are on the Wiki.Here are some of the projects Mini game project,choosing a topic.I have learned how to make a game.Ms.Miller taught me how to make a Blog,Wiki,and Gmail.

Sometimes I like to blog when I fill like it and when I'm not mad.I like to blog about sports and about what happen on the weaken.I usaully blog about The Dallas Cowboys.When the season was not over I use to blog all the time about the Dallas Cowboys.

What I'm working on in Globaloria is make prototype and we are starting on my game.